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Monday, 14 September 2009

Manga Review: Saint Young Men


Title: Saint Young Men
Author: Nakamura Hikaru
Release: Monthly
Status: Ongoing
Genre: Seinen, Slice of Life, Comedy
Art: B
Originality: S
Story: B
Characters: S
Humor: S+
Action: B

Impression: This is comedy about Jesus and Buddha who have descended down to the human world together for a vacation in Japan. Yeah that does sound very odd and the idea probably turned a lot of people away. Not me though, the idea was just way too unique and daring so it’d be stupid of me to pass it up. I was especially intrigued by it because I seeing it on the top ten manga list for a certain demographic of manga readers at Sankaku. My curiosity paid off because this manga is downright hilarious. It interprets both religious leaders in funny and relatable ways that I have to wonder if the author actually got it right should this actually happen. My favorite joke was when Jesus had an empty plate in his while he was hungry and a cat jumped on and offered itself as food while another cat brought some matches for a barbeque. That really got me laughing since cats are always following me around. LOL’s are guaranteed here – unless you’re religious then you’re probably going to go 0_0.

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