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Saturday, 22 August 2009

Manga Review: Densen Complex

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Title: Densen Complex
Author: Kizuki Akira
Release: Monthly
Status: Finished
Genre: Seinen, Psychological
Art: B
Originality: A
Story: S
Characters: S
Humor: C
Action: C

Impression: This is a collection of unrelated stories about human relationships and the taboos of society – mostly incest though. It shows the readers the various ways that such relationships are handled by the people in them and the problems that they face. It’s a good read for those who like thinking about the human nature and it’s not graphic enough to creep out people who don’t – except for maybe that doll chapter, all dolls are essentially creepy. It’s good that the author does it in this format as they give each chapter a poetic feel to them and at the same time heightens the impact that story has leaving a desire for more. Basically it’s a manga that draws out curiosity so it’s good for anyone who is not intolerant of others.

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