Welcome to Timeless Grey.
I'll be using this part of the Internet to posts various ideas I think of during my remaining time here. It's not that I'm dying anytime soon. In fact I believe my life expectancy should be somewhat longer than a normal person given the information I read about on studies regarding life and my body's unusual metabolism (My normal body temperature is somewhere between 35.3-35.5 degrees celcius during the day). It's just that my thoughts keep moving from one thing to another so quickly that I tend to forget what I was thinking about seconds before.
I'll also be writing about anime and manga along with anything I find interesting. I'll take this opportunity to say that I'm glad Inuyasha finally finished and now I'm hoping for them to continue the anime. It was one of those shonen series that had really enjoyable movies, it's sad that Naruto and Bleach can't come up with good ones. Well maybe not so much bleach as Naruto. The fourth one had really annoying characters and plot, good music though. I really hope they don't screw up any future D.Gray-man movies but seeing as the anime's doing good I probably won't have to worry much about that.
To quote tigger, TTFN.
I am Back As Jobless (For Now)
2 months ago